Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thing #5 - "School 2.0"

When I think of School 2.0, I think of schools using Web 2.0 tools to enhance daily lessons in the classrooms.  Web 2.0 tools include tools like blogs, wikis, social networking, management tools, interactive games, collaboration, and etc.  Since the students we teach were all born into a digital world, courtesy of the internet, they are much different than the students we were.  They are used to "multi-tasking" at a much earlier age.  This also means that they get bored much easier and have a much shorter attention span.  I think that it is necessary for us to utilize this technology to best of our ability in order to provide the best education possible.  Not only will these interactive activities engage more learners, it will help prepare them to be a better, technology-savvy workforce.  Just the collaboration tools alone can foster team work, as well as provide students with necessary feedback in regards to their work.

When discussing School 2.0, I think (hope) schools of the future will offer the possibility of greater differentiated instruction.  I would like for those students who have the ability to move forward at their own pace to be able to utilize one of these tools to enrich their learning.  While at the same time, those who need more practice and instruction could continue with another tool/activity that better suits their needs.  School 2.0 often makes me think of the cartoon of my generation called The Jetsons.  That cartoon was one of my favorites!!  I have been waiting for all those technologies to become a reality.  When you stop and think about it, most of them have.  Although I realize children need to socialize with other children, I think online education could work for them as well.  I personally love taking online classes!  You can work on them anytime, anywhere.  For me personally, learning online is so enjoyable.  I am able to communicate & collaborate with others who are miles away.  Not long ago, I co-wrote a paper using Google Docs with classmates I have never met in person.  How cool is that!!  I would love for my students to be able to experience that.  I would even love for my class to Skype another class and share ideas about the standards they are currently learning.
However, School 2.0 does currently face obstacles in the classrooms, or at least in my elementary classroom.  Currently, our school blocks things like Skype, as well as several others.  I realize there are possible problems that could arise from giving students access to everything.  Perhaps there is not a perfect filter.  However, I just wish that it was easier to access and use more of these wonderful tools with our students.  In the end, it would benefit everyone.  Students would be better educated to become part of the workforce of tomorrow.  I have tried to advocate using several of these tools, but I have been unsuccessful.  I would love to know of elementary schools who are able to use things like Skype, wikis, and so forth and exactly how and why your school doesn't block these.

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